Most of the times people are themselves not aware of the characteristics, their face discloses. This is a story that happened with my own face too. I have a slight widened nose, seeing which the face reader said that I am credulous and can be fooled by anyone easily. On hearing this, I could not digest the words and was ready to disagree. However, after I accepted his face reading predictions and reflected over it, I believed I really was. And, by this time I had not at all thought of being so gullible, which made me a bit sceptical to accept the truth. And, the other fact that made me not to consider the statement relevant was that I was not ready to agree over this kind of negative trait in me.
According to me, a person either accepts it true or denies to completely accepting the fact. Whatever be the scenario, a person is ought to respect the face reader’s perspective and if you are sceptical, it is suggested to not to misjudge without actually reflecting over the face reading statements.
Second major reason of experiencing inaccuracy in face reading is the misidentification of any face feature.
A face reader will definitely know the difference between a regular size nose and a big size nose.
Similarly a hooked chin and a slanting sharp chin both will depict two different types of characteristics in an individual. And, if you mix both of them, it will come up with a different trait.
Eventually, face reading is so far proved to be 93% accurate in all the sense.
Rest it depends on the reader you choose. As per my experience, it has never been an inaccurate affair.
My reader, Haffiz Ji had always been there reading my instincts and personality, which make me favour this subject completely.